Wellbeing in the Workplace Report

This report explores how mental wellbeing is being addressed in the workplace, taking findings from a cross-industry survey to discover what employees value in terms of support, and what employers are doing, or can do better, to improve mental wellbeing.

What's in the report?

Employers' current approach
How well are employers looking after their employees’ mental health? What initiatives do they have in place? What schemes would leaders implement in their business if they could?

What approaches are possible?
Are employers aware of what kinds of support their employees want? Are they reacting? What methods are available, and what’s actually realistic?

What needs to change?
What will have a marked impact on wellbeing and what won’t? What can businesses do to support their leaders in identifying and managing mental health concerns?

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Key report findings:

Icon Jobs
of people have experienced mental health issues due to work in the previous year
Icon Candidates
of business leaders have received no training in dealing with mental health
Icon Clients
of employees do not believe their organisation currently supports mental health

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